The Story of the Son of the Widow of Zarephath

Scripture References:

  • The widow and her son’s generosity: 1 Kings 17:8-16

  • The widow’s son is raised from the dead: 1 Kings 17:17-24

Family Discussion:

Discuss the widow and her son’s sacrifice:

  • Consider another widow’s generous example from the New Testament (Luke 21:1-4). She gave a small amount of money, but, like the widow of Zarephath, it was all that she had left.

  • The widow and her son only had enough food for one more meal. How do you think they felt when Elisha asked for it?

  • Sometimes a decision to be generous or obedient to God impacts the entire family. This was more than just the widow’s act of faith, it was also her son’s. How might we as a family decide to demonstrate generosity and faith together?

Consider the reward for their sacrifice:

  • The widow and her son received hundreds and hundreds of meals in exchange for the one they gave to Elijah. God is capable of blessing us in ways that are far greater than anything he asks us to give up (see Ephesians 3:20,21).

  • Discuss what the widow and her son’s daily experience must have been like as they reached into the barrel and pulled food out that wasn’t there the night before. Do you think they laughed? Do you think they tried to catch it happening? Do you think there was a special sound or glow when it was replenished?

Talk about daily bread:

  • Although the widow and her son received hundreds of meals, they didn’t get it all at once. God didn’t fill a barn with food. They received just enough for each day.

  • Consider the similar story of how God provided manna for the Israelites each morning, but it was just enough for that day’s needs (Exodus 16:4).

  • Read the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) and discuss how Jesus instructs us to ask for food for each day.

  • In what other ways (besides food) does God want us to depend on him daily?

Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God for providing for today’s needs

  • Ask God to help you trust him with your future needs

  • Pray for opportunities to help others in need

Other Stories of Children in the Bible