The Story of Moses

Scripture References:

  • Moses’ birth and God’s protection: Exodus 2:1-10

  • Moses’ calling at the burning bush: Exodus 3:1-22, Exodus 4:1-17

  • Moses’ return to Egypt: Exodus 4:18-31

  • Moses’ plea for Israel’s freedom: Exodus 5:1-23

  • Moses and the Exodus: Exodus 12:31-42

  • Moses parts the Red Sea: Exodus 14:1-31

Family Discussion:

God cares for and protects children:

  • God miraculously cared for Moses as a baby in that basket and he still miraculously protects children today.

  • Matthew 18:10 says that children have guardian angels protecting them.

  • In what ways does God protect children? Think of big and small ways that he works through others and behind the scenes to protect kids.

Consider Moses’ humble beginnings:

  • Moses was helpless as an infant in that basket placed in the river. He was completely dependent on God to protect him, and that humble dependence became a dominant trait of Moses’ life.

  • Numbers 12:3 says Moses was very humble. In fact, it says that he was the most humble person on the planet!

  • In what ways are we completely dependent on God? (Acts 17:28, Acts 17:24-25, Isaiah 42:5)

Discuss the reliance Moses’ mother had on God to protect her son:

  • When she placed Moses in the basket and laid it in the river, she was completely trusting God to do something she could no longer do – protect her son.

  • Think of one specific thing we can’t do ourselves that we need to trust God to do for us.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God for protecting us every day in big and small ways

  • Ask God for the grace to be humble and to remember how dependent we are on him

  • Pray for that one specific thing we need to trust God to do for us

Other Stories of Children in the Bible