The Story of Joseph

The biblical story of Joseph and the coat of many colors

Scripture References:

  • Joseph’s dreams: Genesis 37:1-11

  • Joseph’s time as a servant: Genesis 39:1-18

  • Joseph’s years in prison: Genesis 39:19-23

  • Joseph’s dream fulfilled: Genesis 41:37-46

Family Discussion:

God has a plan for each of our lives:

  • Read Jeremiah 29:11

  • God had a plan for Joseph’s life even when he was a child

  • How does it make you feel to know God has a plan for your life too? How should this impact our choices in life?

God’s plan often includes difficulties:

  • God’s plan for Joseph’s life included many challenges and setbacks

  • How do you think Joseph felt when those divine dreams didn’t come true year after year? Do you think he had seasons where disappointment, frustration or anger overwhelmed him?

  • How might God have used these challenges to develop Joseph’s character so he could be the leader God intended him to be?

God is present with us during tough times:

  • In Genesis 39:2, the Bible says that God was with Joseph when he was a servant to Potiphar and that God helped Joseph succeed in everything he did.

  • In Genesis 39:21, the Bible says that God was with Joseph in the prison, showing him faithful love.

  • Although Joseph suffered unfair treatment, God never left him and never stopped caring for him. He was faithful and gave Joseph strength and opportunities to succeed even during difficult times.

  • How can we remember to rely on God’s presence and love when things aren’t going well?

It’s possible to maintain good character during tough times:

  • Joseph’s honorable character was evident even when he was suffering.

  • Instead of being defeated when he became a servant, he determined to work hard for Potiphar. Instead of retreating inwardly when thrown in prison, he remained focused on the needs of others around him. He noticed when other prisoners were sad and tried to encourage them.

We can focus on helping others even when we’re hurting ourselves:

  • Who do you know who is sad and could use encouragement?

  • How could you help them feel better?


Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God that he has a plan for your child’s life

  • Ask God for help to be patient and to trust him when we feel alone

  • Pray for someone who is sad and needs encouragement. Pray for God’s plan for your children to be made clear as they grow up.

Other Stories of Children in the Bible