The Story of Children at Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

Scripture Reference:

  • Matthew 21:1-16

Family Discussion:

Discuss the prophecy of this event:

  • Read Psalm 8:1-9 and emphasize the prophecy found in Psalm 8:2.

  • It was God’s plan for Jesus’s life on earth to begin and end with a chorus of singing. At his birth, he was welcomed by a chorus of angels (Luke 2:8-15) and near the end of his life, a chorus of children welcomed him into Jerusalem.

  • What a special thing that God’s plan for this moment in history involved the songs of children!

Discuss how God loves to hear children sing to him:

  • Talk about how our songs are not only heard by those around us, but they are heard and loved by Jesus.

  • Consider discussing how a lack of vocal talent doesn’t impact God’s joy in hearing us praise him.


  • If not already a part of your family devotion time, consider singing to God each day together as a family.

  • Choose a song or two to sing together before you pray.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God for being tender and compassionate - for taking pleasure in our songs of praise

  • Ask God to help you remember he is listening each time you sing to him

  • Pray for your next church service – that the entire congregation’s worship would bring God great joy

Other Stories of Children in the Bible