Tips for Using the Parent Guide / Family Devotional

The Parent Guide includes Scripture References, Family Discussion ideas, and Prayer Prompts for each of the 12 stories contained within the Kids of the Bible Storybook. A downloadable & printable edition is also available at

To get the most from the Parent Guide, we recommend the following:

  • Read one or more of the Scripture passages with your children that contain the stories from the book

  • Go through those passages yourself first before reading them with your child. Consider the age and unique sensitivities of children when deciding which verses should be read, explained, or skipped.

  • Review the options listed in the Family Discussion section and choose one or two of the topics that are most relevant to you and your child. There are enough options to go back through and repeat the process multiple times.

  • Review the prayer prompts and choose one to guide you and your child’s prayers.

  • Download free coloring pages at to offer more ways for your child to engage with these stories.

Parent Guides for Each Biblical Story

Scripture Index

Scripture References for the Stories within The Kids of the Bible Storybook:

  1. Joseph: Genesis 37:1-11

  2. Moses: Exodus 2:1-10

  3. Miriam: Exodus 2:1-10

  4. Samuel: 1 Samuel 3:1-21

  5. David: 1 Samuel 17:12-50

  6. The Son of the Widow of Zarephath: 1 Kings 17:8-16

  7. The Maid of Naaman: 2 Kings 5:1-14

  8. Daniel: Daniel 1:1-21

  9. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Daniel 3:1-30

  10. The Son of a Nobleman: John 4:43-54

  11. The Boy with Loaves & Fishes: John 6:1-13

  12. Children at Jesus’ Triumphal Entry: Matthew 21:1-16

10 Scripture References Regarding God’s Special Love for Children:

  1. God heard the cries of baby Ishmael: Genesis 21:17

  2. Children are a gift from God: Psalm 127:3

  3. God forms children in the womb: Psalm 139:13-16

  4. Jesus used a child as an example of faith: Matthew 18:2-6

  5. Jesus said children have guardian angels: Matthew 18:10

  6. Jesus said that his Father cares for every single child: Matthew 18:12-14

  7. Jesus prayed for children: Matthew 19:13-15

  8. Jesus said that generosity towards children is the same as generosity towards him: Mark 9:36-37

  9. Jesus held children in his arms: Mark 10:13-16

  10. Pure religion includes helping children in need: James 1:27