The Story of Miriam

Scripture References:

  • Miriam’s childhood bravery: Exodus 2:1-10

  • Miriam’s leadership in worship and song: Exodus 15:20-21

Family Discussion:

Discuss Miriam’s important role in Moses’ story:

  • When Miriam watched her mother place her baby brother in the river, she was compelled to stay and see what would happen next.

  • Had she not stayed and intervened, Moses’ story wouldn’t have been the same.

  • As a child, Miriam played an important role in God’s plan. Children don’t need to wait to grow up before they can do important things for God!

Consider how those who start serving God as children can grow to serve him their whole lives:

  • Miriam’s continued to serve God in a variety of important ways throughout her life.

  • She became a worship leader who played the tambourine and led a group of women who praised God together after they were delivered from Egypt (Exodus 15:20).

  • In Exodus 15:20, she is called “Miriam the prophet,” so she had another important role of bringing God’s messages to his people.

Discuss ways that, like Miriam, we are also called to help others:

  • Micah 6:4 says that God sent Miriam and her siblings as a gift to help God’s people.

  • Think of one specific way God could use you to help someone today.

Discuss the joy of serving God together as a family:

  • When Miriam, her brother Moses, and her other brother, Aaron, grew up, they all served God together.

  • In what ways can you serve God this week with siblings, parents, or other relatives?

Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God for using us in ways that make a difference in the lives of other people. Thank God for the family he has given you to serve together with.

  • Ask God to help your child see opportunities to serve God this week

  • Pray for blessing upon the areas in which you choose to serve God together as a family

Other Stories of Children in the Bible