The Story of the Boy Who Shared His Lunch

Scripture Reference:

  • John 6:1-13

Family Discussion:

Discuss how the boy may have felt:

  • How do you think this boy felt when Andrew saw him, noticed his lunch, approached him, and asked if he would consider giving his lunch to Jesus?

  • Do you think he was nervous? Shy? Confused? Reluctant to share his food? Worried that his parents might be upset that he gave away his lunch?

  • How do you think he felt when Andrew brought him right up to meet Jesus in person?

Discuss God’s ability to multiply our gifts today:

  • The food that this boy shared was multiplied many thousands of times over.

  • How can God take something small that we give him today and use it in bigger ways than we can imagine?

Discuss the impact this miracle may have had on this boy’s life:

  • How do you think this miracle affected the boy’s life? Did he look for more ways to be generous?


  • Make a list of 2-3 small things that you can do this week to meet someone else’s need. Focus on small needs (a meal, a card, a visit, a note, a phone call, a small gift) and then pray for God to bless what you give.

  • Download the free coloring page

Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God that he uses us in ways that are greater than ourselves

  • Ask God for opportunities to share generously with others

  • Pray for God to bless the specific small things that you decided to do for others

Other Stories of Children in the Bible